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Abraham & His only son – The Name Changer.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

Photo by Jochen van Wylick on Unsplash

Hi, I am Abraham.

The Oldest man alive to become a father in his hundreds.

At first, I thought things like getting pregnant and having a child at my age were impossible. Albeit now I am part of it.

Our boy, our precious little baby boy was what people wonder as impossible.

Everything was going well until one day….


That would be the coolest opener for a self-narrative story.

Anyhow get this. Abraham was the 100-year-old dude from the book of Genesis who had his firstborn with his 90-year-old wife.

The baby’s name was Isaac which means The one who laughs.

Abraham was many things → The faith icon to the entire world and a patriarchal figure for the nation of Israel which is named after his grandson Jacob.

but beforehand, he was considered a Friend of God.

They are Amigos.

I mean for the mere sake of Abraham God sent angels into the land of impurity to save Lot his nephew. Only because his pal Abraham asked him so.

After Adam and Eve and the Sintroduction, the connection between heaven and Earth was lost. Or more or less static.

However, God chose Abraham out of this mess of a world and separated him from the crowd to be his own.

Since the Eden Garden incident, the next time we see a heavenly visitor come to earth is to meet Abraham. To declare the birth of Isaac. (Genesis 18)

He is that much special. To Him.

Why? I wonder.

Maybe because of the fact he believed in God when he promised “You are going to be the father of many”, despite the fact his womb was dead.

As a gift of his faith, Isaac was born. Things are good, the boy grew up, and they were happy as one little happy family.

Till out of the blue God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. His only Son.

The Same baby who brought heaven down again. Need to be sacrificed as a lamb on a mount. That’s what we call in the writing business - foreshadowing.

And Abe complied.

One could only imagine the pain and turmoil the father’s heart would’ve been through while he walked his son onto the mountain.

What’s he gonna tell his wife?

“Hey, honey, remember our son for whom you have to endure labor in your 90-year-old body strength? Yeah, God asked him to sacrifice him and I did”

Boy, I would pay to watch that conversation.

Nevertheless, instead of considering the factors around him, Abraham put his faith in God and proceeded further on his journey.

Beside him, Isaac walked with him carrying the wood he is going to die on. Rings any bell?!!

Fun Fact – Did you know that every religion in this world, somehow demands a blood sacrifice be made in order for a sin to be forgiven?

Because every religion states there was no forgiveness of Sin without the spilling of blood.

That fact was not fun, does it?

Remember how we talked about God wanting to have a relationship with us and it was ruined in the garden, He was planning to restore it through Abraham. His Friend. His faithful friend actually.

Long story short, They reached the top of the mountain, the altar was built, and the not-so-old man put his everything on the Altar aka Isaac.

When he was going to split open his beloved son, there came a voice from heaven halting his actions.

God commanded Abraham to "Do not lay a hand on the boy" or not to hurt him in any way.

So instead of Isaac, a Ram was offered as a sacrifice in his place and Abe named the place Jehovah Jireh ~ Meaning “The Lord will provide”.

Then God blessed them and sent them their way home.

That’s where the restoration process started.

Perhaps that was the incident in the course of history when Abram – The barren was changed into Abraham – The father of faith.

The chain reaction of name-changing doesn't stop there, it was extended to us.

God changed our labels too.From Sinners to Sons & Daughters (See Ephe 1:5 )

And for our story to change there is a part we have to play too…

Putting it all on the Altar. The DO part of our faith.

That’s not a facile task to do when the world around you is choking you with opinions, comments, rumors, and doubts.

It never was, Ask Abraham.

The name callings and the judgemental looks don’t make it easier either. But you’ll get to a point in your life, where those things don’t matter anymore.

The end game is realizing the lamb was already slained on our behalf and telling the world the same. For that to happen you have to let Him in your life.

“Let the way maker through”

Maybe for some of us, it’s not putting it all…maybe it is just taking the natural first step.

Like, putting your feet in the Jordan or bringing the 5 loaves and 2 fish even before the miracle.

Moving forward even when you can’t see any future is faith. Because faith is the substance of the things we hope for.

Therefore Take that test, pick up the phone & make the call, Stop stalking a certain someone or flushing the pills. God to Church. Light a match, leave the past, burn the ships, And don't you look back.

It is your way of asking God, “Okay I am done playing this alone now it's your time God. Step in”

And when he does, the scoreboard changes upside down, because ….He is not only the name changer but also the game changer.


Originally published on our blog, U Me & Him.

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